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Welcome to Mindless Labs

The Safest Place to Lose Your Mind

Our Mission

We're here to shake up mental health, tackling anxiety and depression head-on.

We blend ancient wisdom with modern insights from wellness, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality. Our content features perspectives from therapists, thought leaders, life coaches, artists, and our own unbridled reflections.

Insights & Wisdom

Raw takes from therapists, thought leaders, life coaches, spiritual guides, and our own untamed musings.



How the SCALE Model Will Help You Change for Good New Year, new you, right? Hopefully! But if you are setting the same resolution as last year: lose weight, quit…

10 steps to empowerment and wholeness

the healing path: a simple yet profound journey—   1. awareness: the first spark of change healing begins when you start noticing what’s happening inside. you begin to observe your…

Allowing Freedom

Loosen the grip. Allow space to come and go. Without trying to force or control. Let people, beliefs, fears, expectations, hurt, attachments, dreams and plans pass through. The ones that…

Feeling Crazy Calm 

Feeling Crazy Calm 

Feeling Crazy Calm 

Feeling Crazy Calm 

Feeling Crazy Calm 

Feeling Crazy Calm 

Mindless Labs