There is a loneliness to having lost your direction.
But feeling lost is normal, my darling.
Honestly, life’s more interesting this way.
It means you’re shedding an old skin.
Trying something brave and new,
You are the only observer and author of these moments.
Even in the silence of uncertainty,
Listen for the resonant hums of heartstrings
Guiding you forward in the next note of your melody.
You only need to lessen the gap between your inner and outer worlds by
Exploring the thundering wide open plains of what could be.
I know it is both daunting and thrilling.
Let yourself lap against the shores of seeking possibility— again and again,
As it is the home of our souls to uncover and discover.
The gift of feeling lost is creating your own way.
Even when you ask yourself
“What do I want?” and receive silence in your mind.
The silence is space.
To play
To try on
To peruse
Trust your wild and wise spirit
To unravel in the most perfect way.
Let your uncertainty transmute into excitement and action.
Forward. Forward. Forward.
Only you know the right answer for you
Because your soul has decided it is so.
Seek what piques your curiosity and the rest will follow.
Trust. Trust. Trust.
Often creation flows in the state of your ease.
Exhale into the emptiness.
There is no immediate expectation in what needs to fill the space.
Allow yourself the decadence of what you might make and become.
It’s difficult to be excited about what you can’t yet visualize.
But just know,
The more you enjoy the more you’ll achieve.
Liberate yourself from needing to follow a direct map
Because the gift of feeling lost is creating your own way.