Trauma is anything that is TOO MUCH, TOO FAST, TOO SOON, for the nervous system – it’s not what happened to you, the event(s) itself may have been traumatic, but the trauma is actually what happens inside you as a result!
it is the energy of an event, or series of events – remembered, forgotten, & sometimes even unknown.
which triggers an immediate & then ongoing fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response,
which impairs the autonomic nervous system, & causes a person to become “stuck” in a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or ancestral loop of disconnection from the self, resulting in:
•unhealthy emotional expression.
•physical illness (ie. gut issues, autoimmune disorders heart disease, etc)
•mental illness (ie. anxiety, depression, addiction, etc)
•repeated generational patterns.
for almost 30 years of my life i was surviving, without listening, & even IGNORING the countless signs my body was showing me.
which ultimately led to burnout, anxiety, gut issues, bad habits/patterns, and a dysregulated nervous system.
when we don’t have healthy ways of regulating to process & release emotions from past experiences or trauma, it’s too overwhelming for our brain to process, so it gets pushed & stored into our body!
our bodies’ nervous system is a GIANT MEMORY BANK OF THE PAST, & holds on to this information to “protect us” – which is a POWERFUL proactive mechanism, however BALANCE is needed!
lacking the ability to properly regulate our emotions within our bodies puts us in a state of feeling unsafe.
“lack of safety” in the body moves us to the mind!
where we tell stories.
ALARM (body signaling you!) > worry > what’s ifs > worst case scenario! & this vicious cycle starts over, & has NO END until we reach deep into the root cause in the body, to the emotions stored, & FINALLY, consciously decide to heal.
there is support ALL around you.
you are not alone.
remember, the way out is THROUGH.