invest in your healing: HEALING = EVOLVING.
- there is no “one size fits all” to healing: find the coach, therapist, & healing modality that resonates with you most!
LEARN, understand, & practice self-awareness.
observe yourself like a drone in the sky, becoming more familiar with:
- your habits.
- your thought patterns.
- your beliefs.
hold yourself accountable.
- live life with integrity.
- practice being honest.
- show consistent & uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles & values.
identify & honor your core values.
- what are they?
- why are these particular values important to you?
define your non-negotiables, & stick to them.
- spent time reflecting where these originated from.
- not just “i will not negotiate dishonesty.”
- also things like: “my morning routine is SO valuable & important to me, I will not allow anything to stand in in my way of fulfilling this promise to myself.”
discern who & what deserves your time, & energy.
- is what you’re giving your time & energy to disrupting your soul? or giving you peace?
do & be what feels right for you.
- there’s a study that states that only 10-15% of people are actually, genuinely self-aware.
- therefore, other people should NOT have a say in who you “should” be, or “must” be when they don’t even know themselves!
let go of judgement for yourself & others.
- if you notice yourself getting judgmental about yourself or others, let that be your guide to deeper exploration.
- get curious – keep the judgment as close to zero as possible.
lean into your emotions, uncover them, explore them.
- your emotions are your GREATEST TEACHERS!
accept your role in making a difference.
- this world needs YOUR unique blueprint.
and most importantly:
- regulating your nervous system is the doorway to your most authentic self –
- as you regulate your nervous system you start to UN-BECOME everything you “thought” you were, as well as everything you were told that you “are”, or “meant” / “supposed” to be. – when you’re regulated you move past & through the judgements, the subconscious limiting beliefs, the wounds that created stories, and you finally start to:
this world needs YOU.
thank you for being you.